Candidiasis in Birds: An Update Candidiasis
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Candidiasis is a fungal disease that is induced by yeast from the genus Candida spp. This opportunistic pathogen is present in the skin and gastrointestinal tract of the host, and it tends to induce disease when the host's immune system is suppressed. The aim of this study was to present a short review of Candidiasis in birds, covering aspects, such as host, species, pathogeny, and diagnosis. Candida comprises approximately 200 species, but only a few of them are pathogenic. Among these, Candida albicans is the most frequently isolated in clinical cases. Candida spp. is a polymorphic fungus that can appear in the form of budding yeast, hyphae, or pseudohyphae, depending on the growth environment. They are pretty common in birds, being observed in almost every species. In birds, they can cause infections in the upper digestive system and skin. Clinically, candidiasis in birds is characterized by low morbidity and mortality rates. Affected birds typically display nonspecific indications like depression, anorexia, and inhibited growth. Diagnosis can be performed by laboratory culture, cytology, histopathology, and PCR. On postmortem examination is possible to observe a pseudomembrane with a whitish to yellowish color, easily removed, and an eroded mucosal epithelium of the crop. Infections can be prevented by good sanitary conditions.
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