Biological Activities and Traditional Use of Hyptis suaveolens in Human and Veterinary Medicine: A Review
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Hyptis suaveolens (H. suaveolens), known as Gros baume or sweet-smelling Hyptis, is an invasive plant from tropical regions widely used to manage human and animal ailments, such as bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases. This study aimed to synthesize a scientific research work on the use of this medicinal plant in the traditional pharmacopeia, as well as the biological and pharmacological activities already recognized in the literature. Information for this synthesis was collected from physical (libraries and documentation centers of universities in Benin) and reliable scientific databases, such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science, which were queried based on the keywords related to H. suaveolens. This plant contains secondary metabolites in its aerial parts, such as leaves, and stems, which are rich in essential oils. From leaves to roots, all parts of this plant are of interest to both humans and animals to treat various pathologies. The most frequently cited diseases include asthma, panariasis, jaundice, hyperthermia, indigestion, stomach pains, nausea, colds, gall bladder infections, breast abscesses, hemorrhoids, oral-anal candidiasis, edemas, cramps, and skin infections The various aqueous and ethanolic extracts are evaluated by researchers and the biological activities are indicated in the literature. Those activities include the antibacterial, antifungal, larvicidal, antioxidant, anticholinesterase, insect repellent, and insecticidal effects. However, no toxicity resulting from the use of this plant has yet been reported in the literature. Research on H. suaveolens toxicity must be continued to gain a comprehensive understanding of its application in human and livestock health. This literature review allows the virtues and risks related to the traditional use of H. suaveolens in human and animal pharmacopeia. The various potentialities of this plant provide a lever for exploring its antiviral effects in traditional veterinary medicine in general.
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